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Your journey to building wealth starts here. 

It’s time!

We’ve built all the tools you’ll need to start your journey to make more money, master money management and build your investment portfolio, so you can learn to build actual wealth in just 30 days!

You’re not going to get rich by accident.


It’s not going to just ‘eventually happen’.

The Wealth Builder  Accelerator Program is a 30-day Coaching Program that is built on Moneystart’s 3M system for building wealth.


Learn how to make more money, save, budget, invest, manage debt and become intentional with your wealth, so financial freedom will finally be in your reach.


This program will help you


✅ Take actionable steps towards your goals 

✅ Work through roadblocks with a Certified Financial Education coach 

✅ Stop being paralyzed by financial stress  

The Wealth Builder accelerator has 3 options to choose from depending on how much 1 on 1 private and personalized attention you would like from Ibi :



⭐️ Premium

⭐️ Platinum


Read on for more details.


Do you know you need to get your financial life together but have no idea where to start?

Do you want to get advice or talk to someone about finances without shame, guilt, or fear of looking stupid?

Do you know you need to start investing but feel nervous and intimidated by it?

Do you want to be able to figure out a way to afford your wants, not only your needs?

Do you seem stuck on the same income level and cycles of overspending and mismanaging money?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the Wealth Builder Accelerator Coaching Program is perfect for you and the time is NOW!


 Your journey to building wealth starts here.


MANAGE - Manage your money.  In this module, you’ll learn to become excellent at managing your money through budgeting and saving so that you don’t lose all the money you make but instead, use it to live a fulfilling life that makes you happy. You’ll also learn how to manage debt and get out of the debt spiral.

MULTIPLY - Make more money. In this module, you’ll learn different ways to grow your income so you can make more money and grow your disposable income.

MAXIMISE - Invest for success. In this module, you'll learn how to invest intelligently so that the money you have goes to work for you to build lasting wealth. This module is beginner-friendly and takes a step-by-step approach to explaining all things investing and how to invest. By the end of this Module, you will have started building your investment portfolio. 

MINDSET (BONUS) - Is your attitude towards money holding you back? In this module, you’ll learn how to identify the beliefs you have towards money, overcome mental and financial limitations and train your brain to make you a wealth magnet.

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Over 30 days, certified personal finance educator & expert, Ibi ibru, will personally coach and guide you through each step of her highly successful 3M wealth-building system - alongside guided tutorial videos, a members-only community and weekly live coaching calls.


For Moneystarters who select the Premium package, you will be invited to a private one-day, in-person coaching session with Ibi, where she’ll personalise the content of the program to your own unique life and circumstances and work with you all day until you have a plan in place.


Spaces for the premium package are capped at 20 people to preserve the personalisation of the program. More details below.

This Coaching program runs only ONCE A YEAR 

May 20th - June 18th 2024 

Registration closes on May 4th 2024

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About Your Instructor 

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Hi ! My name is ​Ibiyinka (Ibi) Ibru, and I'm a Certified Financial Education Instructor and the founder of Moneystart. 

Here's my official page on the Financial Educators Council.

I started this business because a major life event in 2018 made me realise I had absolutely nothing to show for the last 4 years I had been working. I had two degrees from internationally renowned universities and a good job in a good industry but no savings, no investments and was still pretty much living hand to mouth hoping to make it till my next paycheck.

I had thought my finances would eventually just come together, but after 4 years of still not having my financial life in order, I decided to get really intentional about it. 

The only problem was, even though I really really wanted to do this, I couldn’t figure out how, where to start, and if it could even be possible for me. 

After making what felt like an endless amount of mistakes, I finally found a strategy that worked !

What surprised me was how many other people were in the same position I was, struggling in silence because they felt ‘behind’ and like everyone else had it figured out.


I started this business because I wanted to blow away the shame, fear and anxiety a lot of Millenials and Gen-Z’s have around money and also help people break out of being ‘stuck’ and move into having the financial health they always wanted for themselves. 


I have a BSc in Neuroscience from King's College London and an MSc in Management from Imperial College Business School London and have over 8 years of experience working at international corporate finance, financial services and financial technology companies.


I spend my free time reading, going to the beach, hanging out with my husband, chasing my kids around and looking for new TV shows to watch (I’m open to recommendations!).

Here's what people I've worked with said:

I know it's hard to hear but hiding from your bank account won’t fix your problems.


Believe me, I’ve been there before... 


You spent a little too much. 


You know you could be making more and also doing more with what you already have.


You feel like your finances are spiralling and everything seems out of your control.


You won’t solve that problem by never looking at your bank account and hoping things resolve themselves.

You have to start planning for the future.


Let’s be honest.


❌ Job markets are unstable.

❌ Everything is getting more expensive.

❌ No one really teaches you how to be a “successful” adult. 


So it’s time to rethink our relationship with money, wealth, and what financial freedom really means.  

I use my 3M wealth-building system to help you learn how to build wealth.
Here’s exactly what you’ll learn in the Wealth Builder Accelerator Program :

Here's what we'll cover:



In this module, you’ll learn to become excellent at managing your money through budgeting and saving so that you don’t lose all the money you make but instead, use it to live a fulfilling life that makes you happy. You’ll also learn how to manage debt and get out of the debt spiral.


  • Know what your financial goals are so you can prioritize them in line with your aspirations you can start creating a personalised strategy to build your dream life.

  • Create a budget that keeps you on track to build wealth but allows you joy so that you can reach your financial goals while still enjoying the life you live.

  • Develop a savings strategy you’ll actually be able to stick to, build an emergency fund, achieve your short and long-term financial goals, start investing and enjoy peace of mind knowing you're financially prepared for life's uncertainties.

  • Manage and reduce different types of debt so you can regain control of your finances, eliminate stress and anxiety, and work toward a debt-free future filled with greater financial freedom.



In this module, you’ll learn different ways to grow your income so you make more money and grow your disposable income.


  • Understand there are different types of income streams (besides setting up a business), so you can create a long-term plan to reach your dream bank account figure.

  • Build profitable income. streams that leverage your existing skills and are in line with your lifestyle so you can make more money without stress and burnout.

  • Strategically plan career moves to get promotions, raises or pivot into a new industry so you can increase your primary source of income for greater financial security.



In this module, you'll learn how to invest intelligently so that the money you have goes to work for you to build lasting wealth. This module is beginner-friendly and takes a step-by-step approach to explaining all things investing and how to invest.


  • Know what investments to buy - We’ll demystify different investment products so you can invest like you actually know what you’re doing - because you will.

  • Avoid losing money in the stock market​​​​​​​ - All the tools you need so you can overcome your investing fears, avoid mistakes that cost people MILLIONS, and actually get rich.

  • Start investing with just $20 - I will walk you step by step on how to choose a brokerage company, open an account, buy a stock or invest in a fund with just $20, so you can start investing today.

  • Start building your investment portfolio based on your personal circumstances, risk tolerance and financial goals so you can grow your wealth over time and secure your ideal financial future.

  • Be able to determine for yourself what makes an investment “good” through understanding important investment principles.



In this module, you'll learn how to properly identify the beliefs you hold towards money, overcome mental financial limitations and train your brain to make you a wealth magnet.


  • Find out if you have negative and limiting beliefs towards money so you can reverse the impact it has on your financial decision-making and open doors to greater financial success.

  • Strategically use meditation, gratitude and visualisation so you can attract financial opportunities, and aren’t hindered from taking meaningful steps toward achieving your financial goals.


During your coaching program, you're going to have questions, concerns, and ideas and you're going to have issues come up that you need help with...

This is where our private WhatsApp comes in to give you support and be a place where students help each other as well as receive direct coaching from me exclusively inside the group!


  • Tasks, live streams and accountability from me.

  • Support and camaraderie from other course creators going through the same program as you.

  • Networking and partnership opportunities from like-minded members you're going to meet and interact with in the group.



Moneystarters who want to secure their spot for the platinum session ONLY should email to be sent the needs assessment questionnaire and payment information 

Affiliated Partners 


I can’t wait to go on this journey with you!

See you in session!


Registration closes May 4 2024.


Wealth Building Accelerator

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